
Advance Directives

Talking about end-of-life wishes can be difficult, but it is important for all adults. Advance directives are legal documents that allow you to express your decisions about end-of-life care ahead of time. This is not only good for you, but also good for your family or whoever is named to make decisions for you when you are unable. Completing and distributing advance directives before they are needed can relieve stress and ensure that a person’s wishes are known to their family and medical professionals. 


The experts at Cedar Valley Hospice are available to help guide you with that process. Click on the button below to schedule an advance directive consultation with a member of our team.

Advance Directives: Honoring Your Wishes

Anyone can experience a life-changing event at any time. Because of that, it’s important that all adults 18 years old or older have advance directives written, recorded and distributed properly. These forms can be filled out at any time and changed throughout your life.

“We see too many times where a family is struggling to decide what to do for their loved one because they don’t know what their loved one would have wanted in this situation. It’s never too early to start having those conversations, and it is so important to make sure you have it in writing.” – Kortni Huibregtse, LINK social worker

Advance Directives Information Graphic

There are several different advance directives Cedar Valley Hospice can help you navigate. Continue reading to learn more about each of them.

Living Will
  • Puts an individual’s wishes concerning life-sustaining procedures, among other wishes, in writing.
  • Becomes effective ONLY if the individual is considered terminal and unable to communicate his/her wishes.
  • Completed by persons 18 years or older.
  • Must be signed by a notary.
IPOST (Iowa Physician Orders for Scope of Treatment)
  • Puts an individual’s wishes concerning healthcare treatment choices in writing.
  • Signed by a physician, PA, or ARNP.
  • Gives guidance to other medical professionals on how to handle decisions.
Durable Power of Attorney (DPOA) for Health Care
  • Designates someone to make all healthcare decisions in the event the individual’s physician determines the patient is unable to make their own decisions.
  • Includes the decision to remove nutrition and hydration when provided by feeding tubes or intravenous feeding.
  • Completed by persons 18 years or older. DPOA for Health Care is different than a Durable Power of Attorney, which is financial. 
  • Must be signed by a notary.
DNR (Do Not Resuscitate Order)
  • Provides a written directive of the individual or family’s wishes. 
  • Instructs all medical staff not to initiate any emergency life-saving procedures, including CPR.

Have a Referral?

Anyone can refer a friend or family member to Cedar Valley Hospice. Simply complete and submit the form below to get started. If you have any questions, please give us a call at 800.626.2360.

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Enriching lives in the Cedar Valley is at the forefront of our mission. We are experts in providing hospice and palliative care, grief support and providing additional services for those with life changing diagnoses. As a not-for-profit organization, your gifts make our mission possible!

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Healthcare Partner Resources

We offer multiple resources for physicians and healthcare clinicians dealing with serious diagnosis and end-of-life related topics as well as an easy online patient referral form. Connect with us today!