Lonnie and I took a winter trip to Florida in 2016, it was something we had talked about doing for years, but decided the time had come to do it. Lonnie wanted to visit the NASA museum he was fascinated by it; I have to say it was pretty impressive!!! They had a simulator of the cockpit from Atlantis. Lonnie was thrilled to sit in the seat and play pilot.  There were things there from the Apollo era which we both remembered, it was an awesome day. And a trip of a lifetime for us…..Lonnie had been diagnosed in 2014 with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, an incurable lung disease. We both knew the future was uncertain and tried to take advantage of everyday we had together. This photo was taken in mid January and he passed on August 20, 2016.  Always on my mind, forever in my heart.

Nancy Franzen

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